It's Monday, What Are You Reading? [May 2, 2016]

It's Monday, What Are You Reading? [May 2, 2016]

Monday, May 2, 2016 16 Comments

It's Monday, What Are You Reading? [May 2] Outlandish Lit

I just got back home from my weekend writing retreat! Jenna from JMill Wanders organized a glorious Camp NaNoWriMo retreat at a cabin in northwestern Minnesota. It was a really good time. I may not have written an enormous amount, but I was in a good place to reconsider what I was doing, read a little bit, and just be out of the city for a bit.

More photos on my Instagram

Right after getting back, I went to the spring publishers rep night for booksellers in Minnesota. And I may or may not have come home with 12 ARCs. Oops. I was super convinced that I'd be able to control myself, but that didn't happen. So now I'm a bit more nervous about how I'll behave at BookExpo America this month.


  • This Census-Taker by China Miéville



Yeah, I'm book hopping again. But I'm 160 pages into Tender by Belinda McKeon now, so I think we're in it for the long haul. I normally struggle with books that are really heavy on relationships, but this book is absolutely blowing me away. It feels so, so real and complicated. The weird changes you go through in college are spot on. Everything is great. I was hiding from people at the writing retreat to read this, because it was so engrossing (sorry, Jenna).

What are you reading this week?



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