Annihilation Hat Knitting Pattern!

Annihilation Hat Knitting Pattern!

Monday, February 26, 2018 2 Comments

Two pals, as featured on his Amazon author page.
Hey, friends. I wanted to pop in to let you know that I just published my first official knitting pattern! I've been knitting for a long time and occasionally have fun "freestyling" and creating my own designs. In celebration of the Annihilation movie coming out, I decided to formally write up a pattern for the Annihilation book cover inspired hat that I made and gave to Jeff VanderMeer. I haven't seen the Alex Garland directed movie yet, but I seriously can't wait. Rep your love of Area X & weird enviro-scifi with this colorwork hat.

If you're interested, I'd be grateful if you checked it out on Ravelry. If you know someone who might be interested, I'd also be grateful if you shared! Full disclosure: this is a paid pattern. It's $2.99. Help a bish pay her cat's vet bills if you're so inclined! Wish it could be free, but at this point in time I need dat money.

More big, new, exciting things are on the way very soon (unrelated to knitting). Thanks for sticking around if you've been following me for a while!


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