Happy Birthday to Me & 2014 Stats

Happy Birthday to Me & 2014 Stats

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Happy New Year, everybody! It was my birthday a few days ago, so a lot of my life kind of revolves around years ending and beginning. I've received more calendars as gifts than I've ever known what to do with most years. This year was my best year ever as far as reading goes. Here are my stats for the year in classy infographic form (inspired by both Books Speak Volumes and River City Reads, please be flattered).

Also, if you missed my Best/Weirdest Books trifecta of lists, check them out here, here, and here.

Not bad, if I say so myself. I tried to be much more aware of how many female authors and authors of color I was reading. I'd like to do better in 2015 as far as authors of color go (20% of my reading), but this was a good start.

I don't really have any reading or blogging resolutions apart from "trying harder." Try to read more and try to read more diversely. That's really important to me.

This year I'm graduating from college, so it seems like a bad time to be making resolutions. My life is going to, inherently, be in a state of flux as I try my best to be an adult and not fuck everything up. So all I can really resolve to do is to try hard to do the things I like to do and not lose sight of that.

On Goodreads, I set my goal to 50 books this year. I set it to 24 in 2014 and managed 44. So I think 50 won't be that unreasonable, especially since I won't be in school for like 8 months of the year. Wow, that's weird to think about.

I know I haven't been a consistent blogger, but I really love the blogging community and I think it's a lot of fun to blog when I'm not holding myself to weird standards that nobody else is holding me to. I've found a pattern of ditching during the fall semester, because I end up too stressed or whatever. This year, I won't have a fall semester. So I'm hoping that this blog, if anything, will be like a solid place for me to come back to when my life is changing a lot. A familiar constant when my life is becoming less familiar to me.

I can't at this time make any real resolutions or promises when it comes to reading or blogging or, really, anything in my life. I'm just going to try my best.

Happy birthday to me and happy new year to you! Here's hoping 2015 is a good one.

What are your resolutions for the new year?


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