Top Ten Tuesday: Spring TBR List

Top Ten Tuesday: Spring TBR List

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The Broke and the Bookish runs this business.

I need to stop doing these so late at night. It almost doesn't count. To be fair, though, I wrote my rough list out on Sunday. I'm making progress here. Side note: I loaned out Selected Unpublished Blog Posts of a Mexican Panda Express Employee and House of Leaves (two of my favorite books) to two separate friends, and they already love them. And I ate some $2 tacos. Best day of my life.

Books on my Spring 2014 TBR Pile

I have more backlist than new releases, but that's ok. I can do what I want.

1. The Martian by Andy Weir: Everybody is talking about this and I want to talk about it too. But mostly I want to read it, because Mars. And I liked the movie Gravity, so I assume I'll like this too. Probably more so, because everyone says it's funny. Waiting patiently for the library to give it to me.

2. When Women Were Birds by Terry Tempest Williams: I heard about this book on the Bookrageous podcast several times, and it sound life changing. It's nonfiction about a woman whose mother died and left a bunch of journals behind. All of the journals were blank, nothing was ever written. So it's about your voice and mother daughter stuff and who knows what else, I just want to read it and cry right now.

3. Grasshopper Jungle by Andrew Smith: Everybody is talking about this one too and most of what they are saying is "what the fuck?" Naturally I want to read it now. I don't normally read YA, so I'm kind of nervous. But I'm also excited to see what all the hype is about.

4. Sandman by Neil Gaiman: I just started this with the Insatiable Booksluts group read (link on the right). The only comics I've read have been Batman and the only graphic novels I've read have been The Watchmen, Persepolis, and Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth. I loved all of them (loved Persepolis slightly less) and am definitely looking forward to this.

5. S. by Doug Dorst & J.J. Abrams: I feel like I've talked about this a lot at this point, but I just can't handle how perfect it is for me. J.J. Abrams, experimental format, multiple narratives. The writing in the margins and the inserts and I just can't. I'm getting excited just talking about it.

6. White and Other Tales of Ruin by Tim Lebbon: I don't remember what this is about. Apparently it is novellas? And they're horror/dystopian. It's sitting on my shelf, so I'm going to read it. I remember thinking it sounded good at one point. And spring seems like a good time for short work. Like little refreshing literary bursts. Maybe horror and dystopian isn't super refreshing, though.

7. Revenge: Eleven Dark Tales by Yoko Ogawa: Creepy Japanese stories? Yes please. It's described as influenced by Murakami and Borges AND Poe, and like what great people, honestly. Bring on the short macabre.

8. The Word Exchange by Alena Graedon: This one sounds kind of right up my alley and Karen Russel gave a blurb. She is perfect with words and I trust her with my life. I don't care if she was paid so much money to write it, I still trust her. Anyway, this book is a dystopian about being so dependent on technology and gadgets that the ability to speak is lost. I don't know much more about it than that, but it comes out April 8th!

9.  Geek Love by Katherine Dunn: I don't remember much about this one either. Who am I and why am I blogging about books? Give me a second to regurgitate amazon/goodreads/wikipedia. Oh, it's about a carny family! That sounds good haha. I love that I'm like learning about my own list as I write it. Anyway, I've always been anxious about reading this because of the title, because I don't really like "geek pride" in that I think it should be "people who all have a wide variety of interests pride". But I guess this isn't about the typical geek, so I should be able to get over my qualms. And I've heard it's really good!

10. Taipei by Tao Lin: I'm going to talk about this one with confidence even though I totally just googled it: This book is undoubtedly about a guy named Paul and his friends and how they do drugs and art and move to Taiwan. I think I read that it's vaguely autobiographical. I could be wrong, don't quote me. I've gotten really into alt-lit ever since a stranger saw my Selected Unpublished yadda yadda review when it got posted to the MuuMuu House website. She emailed me, because she loved the book too and wanted to talk about it. She alerted me that it was in a realm called alt-lit (written mainly by 20-somethings who are sad and like the internet), and now I really want to read more. Apparently Tao Lin is the king of it, so I'm ready to dive in head first with this book.

What's on your list this spring? Can you remember what the fuck all of your books are about? Let me know, because that sounds lovely. I can't even imagine.


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