It's Monday, What Are You Reading? [Sept. 12, 2016]

It's Monday, What Are You Reading? [Sept. 12, 2016]

Monday, September 12, 2016 22 Comments

Who knew, routine might just be one of the best things that's ever happened to me. Even though I'm not quite in one yet, I have myself set up for it and I feel better about life in general already. And I suddenly have so much more time to read when I'm not working 12 hours a day three days in a row randomly! Oh, some bad news: Our car got totaled. The day after I finally scheduled a driving test for myself (yes, I only have a permit, it doesn't matter, let's not talk about it). So, admittedly, a lot of life/finances are really tough at the moment. But I'm working on not getting too down about it.

A couple days ago I finished two novellas in one day. I liked one of them quite a bit and I was ok with the other, but that kind of propelled me to keep reading. So later on I took myself on a foodless picnic in the park with a huge bag of books to peruse. It was so lovely! Except I also learned that I probably have allergies, because I had such a bad headache afterwards. GOD I'M SUCH A BUMMER. Ok, let me tell you about the book I fell in love with at the park below.

  • One Hundred Shadows by Hwang Jungeun
  • The Subsidiary by Matias Celedon


As expected, I'm still jumping around quite a bit in my reading. Though, yesterday, I landed on this mother fucking gem. I was really excited about it when I first got it at BEA, but as my reading has sucked in the past few months, I've told myself to temper my enthusiasm. But this is JUST AS GOOD AS I HOPED. Reading The Children of the New World by Alexander Weinstein is basically like reading the show Black Mirror. Except, maybe even better?? I'm almost halfway through this collection of short stories and I can't put it down. This feels so so good.

What are you reading this week?



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