Saturday, January 16, 2016

#24in48 Readathon [Jan 16-17, 2016]

You guys! it's time for another readathon. And I couldn't be more excited for this one. #24in48 allows you to spend this Saturday and Sunday reading for a total of 24 hours. So basically it's like Dewey's 24 hour readathon, but for people who like to sleep. Learn more and sign up here!

I'm using my phone's stop watch to only record when I'm actively reading, in the hopes of actually hitting 24 hours like I did last time. But, more important than that, I really just want to read more pages. I got a bit over 1,000 last time around and I think I can totally do better than that if I focus. Updates will be going on this post throughout the two days, so keep checking back!

Ok, ok, my pile is a little bit ambitious. I just really like the idea of being able to jump around in my reading. A lot of them are library books that I keep renewing over and over again and need to actually read. I also have a pile of single issue comics that I might switch to when I'm feeling burnt out.

Let me know if you're participating! It's not too late! I'll be on twitter, instagram, and facebook with more active updates. I'll be using the hashtag #24in48. HERE WE GO.


DAY 1. 2:00 AM. HOUR 2.
CURRENTLY READING: What We Talk About When We Talk About Anne Frank by Nathan Englander

This readathon is going to reveal to everybody that I am sometimes a very slow reader. I was up after midnight anyway, so I decided to get a little bit of reading in. I had already began this book of short stories and essays before the readathon, so I'm just trying to finish it up so I can move onto shiny new books (or maybe another book I'm 25 pages into). BUT for now I must sleep. Happy #24in48!!

TIME READ: 1 hour.

DAY 1. 6:00 AM. HOUR 6.
(I wasn't actually awake at this time, but I'm doing the hour 6 challenge late.)

Intro Survey!
1. // Where in the world are you reading from this weekend?
        Minneapolis, Minnesota!
2. // Have you done the 24in48 readathon before?
        Yes, I participated in the last one.
3. // Where did you hear about the readathon?
        Twitter, probably. Who can say?
4. // What book are you most excited about reading this weekend?
        Oh jeez, my stack is pretty enormous. Maybe Eileen. Maybe The Forever War. Hard to say.
5. // Tell us something about yourself.
        I work at a bookstore! And I'll be working there for 5 hours tomorrow unfortunately.
6. // Remind us where to find you online this weekend.
       Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook!

DAY 1. 2:00 PM. HOUR 14.
CURRENTLY READING: Not Dark Yet by Berit Ellingsen

Alarmingly, I only have two hours of reading done so far. Not quite sure how it's already hour 14. I had to go to the doctor this morning which sort of ate up a lot of time. I'm home reading now and will be for the rest of the day, though! I just finished up What We Talk About When We Talk About Anne Frank, which was super great. Now onto another book that I'd barely started and need to finish up!

TIME READ: 2 hours.

DAY 1. 6:00 PM. HOUR 18.
CURRENTLY READING: Not Dark Yet by Berit Ellingsen, The Library at Mount Char by Scott Hawkins

This afternoon I started to lose a bit of energy. Maybe it's because I had blood drawn at the doctor, maybe it's because I'm a sleepy person. WHO KNOWS. I made a significant amount of progress with Not Dark Yet and got halfway through. Then when reading became too difficult for my eyes, I switched to my audiobook: The Library at Mount Char. It's endlessly entertaining and just the kind of book for this (though it is long). I ended up taking a nap, but I'm back to the audiobook now while I clean up for my impending reading party!!

TIME READ: 4 hours, 55 minutes.

DAY 2. 1:00 AM. HOUR 25.
CURRENTLY READING: Flatland by Edwin A. Abbott

My reading party was a great success at three participants. We snacked hard and we sat quietly reading hard. It definitely helped me focus on my book, because everybody else was doing the same thing (for the vast majority of the time). It got much harder at the very end of the night to focus, but it was a good time. I finished Not Dark Yet, which was ok, but pretty slow. Then I started Flatland and quickly realized that it was way too smart for me to fully comprehend at midnight after having read for like 8 hours. So I switched to the Invader Zim comics I hadn't gotten to yet, which was much much easier for my mush brain. I did the math and because I work tomorrow I definitely won't get to 24 hours of reading. So I'm just going to push myself to read 500+ pages tomorrow. There will be book hopping.

TIME READ: 10 hours
BOOKS FINISHED: 2 + 2 single issue comics

DAY 2. 11:00 AM. HOUR 35.
CURRENTLY READING: Flatland by Edwin A. Abbott, Eileen by Ottessa Moshfegh

I have to leave for work soon and it's breaking my heart. At 8 I woke up and tried to read Flatland, but it made me start falling asleep again. It's good, don't get me wrong, but it's not a thrilling read. So I moved onto Eileen after spending way too much time reading Flatland very slowly. And it's really good so far. First person narrative, so I'm finding it much quicker. I'll be at work until 5 today, so good luck everybody on their reading!! Be back in a bit. But first, here's my shelfie.

TIME READ: 11 hours, 30 minutes
BOOKS FINISHED: 2 + 2 single issue comics

DAY 2. 10:00 PM. HOUR 46.
CURRENTLY READING: A Head Full of Ghosts by Paul Tremblay

Well, it's almost the end of our glorious readathon and I'm not going to hit my hour goal or my page goal. But that's ok!! I'm probably happier than I was yesterday, because I stopped pushing myself to read absolutely nonstop and I'm 100% enjoying everything I'm reading. And if I'm not, I'm switching to something else. What a novel (HAHA) concept, right? I finished listening to the audiobook of The Library at Mount Char which was SO solid. I laughed, I cried, I was all sorts of excited throughout. Absolutely the perfect choice for the readathon. For no real reason, I switched books to Head Full of Ghosts because I've had it recommended and re-recommended to me by like 3 people this weekend, so I took it as a sign. And I am loving it. Hoping to race through it in these next two hours!

TIME READ: 17 hours
BOOKS FINISHED: 3 + 2 single issue comics

DAY 2. 12:00 AM. HOUR 48.
CURRENTLY READING: A Head Full of Ghosts by Paul Tremblay

The readathon is over!! It was a lot of fun and I honestly got more reading done than I expected to. Normally it feels like I always fall into slow novellas that I think I'll race through, but that actually take me hours upon hours to read. Luckily I did not fall into that trap this time (mostly). I'm on page 115 of A Head Full of Ghosts and I am LOVING IT. OH MY GOD. So creepy, so startling, so clever. I want to keep reading, but sleep is probably a good idea at this point. Goodnight, sweet book nerds.

TIME READ: 19 hours
PAGES READ: 730ish
BOOKS FINISHED: 3 + 2 single issue comics